To increase yields, Brazilian farmers will expand soybean crops

To increase yields, Brazilian farmers will expand soybean crops

Brazil plans to expand soybean planting by 4%

Brazil predicts that soybean crops will increase by 4%. Local farmers plan to achieve this result by expanding acreage for the crop. And the country has seen an increase in soybean acreage for the 15th consecutive year. This allows Brazil to remain the world’s largest producer of oilseeds.
It is expected that this season’s crops will amount to about 40.6 million hectares. In turn, the harvest is projected at more than 144 million tons. Soybeans have already been planted in September and are scheduled to be harvested in January. So far, farmers expect the crop to increase by 5% compared to the previous period.soybean plantingAn increase in planting is also expected for corn, this product will take up 4% more area than it was in the previous season. In total, the crop will be planted on 4.56 hectares. Corn production does not lose its relevance, the grain is still in demand as a fodder for livestock, and the demand for it on the world market does not decrease. According to forecasts, under favorable weather conditions the first harvest in the current season should reach about 29 million tons of corn. This figure is 16% higher than last year’s results. The area of crops will also be increased by 5%, up to 16.4 million hectares for the second harvest. If weather conditions are as forecasted, we can expect an increase in the second harvest to almost 91 million tons. These figures are 45% higher than last season, when there was a prolonged drought and severe frost. As a result, farmers harvested a rather modest crop, as much of the crops were damaged.
In 2021, Brazil experienced one of its worst droughts in 90 years, affecting the quality and quantity of agricultural production. The world’s largest corn and soybean exporter suffered a decline in its harvest, which became even more noticeable amid strong demand from China. Analysts forecast that the current market situation will continue for the next year. For now, the hope is for a good harvest in 2022. Reduced supply from Brazil opens up new opportunities for other exporters. The U.S., for example, has already increased its supply share. These two countries have long maintained strong competition in the agricultural market, and now the States have a real chance to pull ahead.
It should be noted that the weather was not only harsh for Brazil, the western regions of the United States and Argentina were also affected. And forecasters warn that drought will be quite frequent during the sowing season.