Uruguay’s wheat and corn harvests to be lower than last season

Uruguay’s wheat and corn harvests to be lower than last season

Uruguay’s wheat and corn harvests: FAS forecast The FAS has produced a forecast for the production of the main crops for the 2024-2025 marketing year. According to the report, Uruguay’s wheat and corn harvests will be smaller than in the previous season. However, local farmers are likely to plant more grain. Forecasts for wheat It […]

Turkey hopes to increase soybean and other oilseed harvests

Turkey hopes to increase soybean and other oilseed harvests

Increase in soybean harvest due to support from authorities FAS forecasts an increase in Turkey‘s oilseed production in the 2024-2025 agricultural season. In particular, experts expect an increase soybean harvest, sunflowers and cotton. The positive momentum is due to improved growing conditions in the country. According to the forecast, oilseed production in Turkey will increase […]

Demand for barley and corn rebounds in China

Demand for barley and corn rebounds in China

How demand for barley and corn has affected grain prices From 2020 to 2021, the commodity market experienced rapid growth due to the enthusiasm of Chinese importers. However, in 2022-2023, their activity declined, and grain prices gradually stabilised. The situation has changed, and demand for barley and corn from Chinese buyers has increased again. After […]

Nigeria’s grain production: FAS forecasts

Nigeria’s grain production: FAS forecasts

Nigeria’s grain production is declining FAS has analysed grain production in a number of markets. It predicts that Nigeria’s crop yields could fall in the 2024-2025 season. Reasons for the decline Analysts cite some reasons for this trend. First and foremost is the increase in production costs. Given the instability of prices, farmers in the […]

India plans to increase the government’s wheat purchases

India plans to increase the government’s wheat purchases

Indian government’s wheat purchases could have negative consequences The Indian government is planning large-scale wheat purchases to replenish government reserves. However, some analysts are questioning the viability of this strategy. According to experts, the increase in wheat purchases could negatively impact grain supplies to the country’s domestic markets. According to plans, the Indian authorities intend […]

Food oats could become a major crop in the EU

Food oats could become a major crop in the EU

Area under food oats growing in the EU Farmers in the European Union and the UK are increasingly turning their attention to food oats. Experts say the interest in this crop could lead to a reduction in wheat production. In 2023, the EU will be the world’s leading producer of oats. Production of this cereal […]

US corn overproduction: comparing the 2003-2004 and 2023-2024 seasons

US corn overproduction: comparing the 2003-2004 and 2023-2024 seasons

How US corn overproduction has changed the global market picture In 2024, global corn stocks will reach their highest level in 5 years. Moreover, growth momentum will be the best in 7 years. The high harvest and overproduction of corn in the US will play an important role. Traditionally, large US harvests have supported demand […]

China plans to increase grain reserves

China plans to increase grain reserves

China’s grain reserves as a way to reduce food dependence Food security is a priority for many countries. This is due to the volatility of crop prices on the world market. China, a significant grain consumer, plans to increase its grain reserves. The government wants to reduce the risks associated with supply disruptions and instability. […]

Camelina: benefits of a new oilseed crop

Camelina: benefits of a new oilseed crop

How camelina can boost oilseed production in Canada Global demand for oilseeds continues to grow strongly. As a result, farmers are looking for ways to increase production of the most popular oilseeds. However, Smart Earth Camelina encourages farmers to look at other crops, such as camelina. This crop can be a great alternative to canola. […]

CIMMYT unveils new heat-resistant wheat seeds

CIMMYT unveils new heat-resistant wheat seeds

Heat-resistant wheat seeds will help boost crop production in North Africa Wheat is one of the most important agricultural products on the world market. Its consumption is increasing every year. However, producers cannot always supply the required amount of grain. Heat-resistant wheat seeds bred in Mexico will help increase yields. Global warming and aggressive farming […]

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