Nutrien introduces a new Provisia rice variety

Nutrien introduces a new Provisia rice variety

New Provisia rice variety delivers high yield and tillering capacity Nutrien Canada has launched a new Provisia rice variety, DG563PVL. It will be available for planting in 2025. The array is the result of crossbreeding with grain from the Provisia system. Agronomists have focused on increasing yield and improving the plant’s tillering. The new variety […]

Argentina increases corn acreage

Argentina increases corn acreage

Argentina’s corn acreage grows, and soybean acreage shrinks After several disappointing agricultural seasons, Argentina could finally see an increase in production. Local farmers are expected to expand corn acreage to 6.6 million hectares. This is up 0.3 million hectares from the previous revision. While corn is a financially profitable crop, soybeans are becoming less attractive. […]

Global sunflower and rapeseed harvests: USDA forecasts

Global sunflower and rapeseed harvests: USDA forecasts

Global sunflower harvest will be smaller than last year USDA analysts presented their crop production forecasts. According to them, the global sunflower harvest will be 50.4 million tonnes. This figure is 10% lower than the previous season’s results. Sunflower production in 2025 is expected to face several problems affecting the main exporters. Argentina and Kazakhstan […]

Lincolnshire spring oat crop breaks records

Lincolnshire spring oat crop breaks records

Lincolnshire spring oat crop exceeds 11 tonnes per hectare The UK has had a difficult agricultural year, which has resulted in a decline in crop productivity. However, there have been some positive results. The spring oat crop in Lincolnshire was over 11 tonnes per hectare. This is almost double the national result. Environmental issues are […]

Bulgaria’s low oilseed harvest puts pressure on the processing industry

Bulgaria’s low oilseed harvest puts pressure on the processing industry

Bulgaria’s oilseed harvest has dropped significantly, causes In the 2024-2025 season, farmers in Bulgaria harvested a small oilseed harvest. It was the lowest in the last 10 years. The reason for the low productivity was the extreme climatic conditions. During the summer, the country experienced high temperatures and insufficient rainfall, resulting in a harvest of […]

FAS: Thai rice to benefit from favourable weather conditions

FAS: Thai rice to benefit from favourable weather conditions

Can polished Thai rice successfully compete with Indian and Vietnamese rice Thai rice could reach record yields in the 2024-2025 season, according to FAS forecasts. This will be boosted by heavy rainfall that forecasters are predicting across the country. Analysts expect Thailand’s milled rice production to reach 20 million tonnes, 0.3 million tonnes more than […]

USGC experts assess the US corn quality

USGC experts assess the US corn quality

High US corn quality: survey results The US Grains Council (USGC) has noted the high quality of the 2024-2025 corn crop. According to the annual survey, the current crop was one of the best in history. Favourable weather conditions during the growing season contributed to the high performance. According to the USGC, corn maturity was […]

Indonesia’s wheat and rice imports forecast to decline

Indonesia’s wheat and rice imports forecast to decline

Wheat and rice imports decline due to lower demand In the 2024-2025 agricultural season, FAS forecasts a decline in Indonesia’s wheat and rice imports. Shipments will decrease by 8% compared to the previous period. The 2023-2024 season was a record season for Indonesia. At that time, the country imported nearly 13 million tonnes of wheat. […]

New sorghum variety to be grown in India

New sorghum variety to be grown in India

The new sorghum variety can withstand low temperatures India plans to sow a new variety of sorghum as part of a research project. Production of the crop, which is resistant to low temperatures, will begin in 2025. Farmers plan to grow sorghum in the northern part of the country, in Jammu and Kashmir. Sorghum is […]

UK oats and barley production to rise this season

UK oats and barley production to rise this season

Oats and barley production will rise this season UK oats and barley production has increased in the 2023-2024 season. However, crop volumes have not yet reached the average of the last 5 years. AHDB forecasts for the current season so far remain at the previous year’s levels. And this could change the import situation. According […]

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