Syngenta unveils wheat hybrids to be grown in the US

Syngenta unveils wheat hybrids to be grown in the US

New wheat hybrids yield 10-12% more than traditional varieties

Wheat is the most consumed crop in the world. However, due to climate change and breeding, modern varieties are becoming less resistant to weather conditions and diseases. For this reason, scientists are actively developing new wheat hybrids. It will give good yields in conditions of drought or high temperatures. And there have been successes: some varieties require less moisture and less fertiliser to mature.
The Chinese company Syngenta plans to give North American growers a hybrid variety of winter wheat for test cultivation in 2024. Next, scientists intend to introduce new types of red winter wheat. This grain is expected to begin production on an industrial scale by 2026. The wheat will be supplied under the AgriPro brand.
Syngenta and BASF are considered the leading breeders of crop hybrids. For a long time, scientists have been working on breeding better varieties of cereals. However, only Syngenta could show real results that can be used for agricultural purposes. BASF dropped out of the research because of its high costs.Syngenta wheat hybrids

Syngenta development

Syngenta first presented its development in 2022. Hybrid seeds were tested under real conditions, and their yields were compared with traditional varieties. Scientists are now working to increase the number of new seed samples. They want to make them available to farmers for cultivation.
The batch that will reach producers in 2024 is intended to be sown on about 400 hectares. Almost the same amount of seed will be made available in 2025. Commercial sales of the variety will be available in 2026, and farmers from the United States can buy the seed. The variety is already adapted to the North American climate and meets the US milling and food industry standards.
The scientists will not stop there and continue improving the hybrids. In the future, they want to introduce several more varieties with improved characteristics. According to the researchers, the use of hybrid wheat will make it possible to increase crop yields by about 10-12%. And the new varieties have other advantages over conventional varieties. Because they provide a constant yield level with better grain quality. Hybrids also make better use of nutrients such as nitrogen fertiliser and water. As a result, they are economically advantageous to produce.
It should be noted that hybrid varieties of maise, barley and other crops have long been grown worldwide. Growing these wheat varieties is more costly and time-consuming, making them less profitable and unpopular for many companies.