FAS: South Africa expects record rapeseed harvest

FAS: South Africa expects record rapeseed harvest

South Africa to boost rapeseed and soybean harvests

FAS analysts expect South Africa’s rapeseed harvest to reach record levels in the 2023-2024 MY. It exceeding previous figures by 5%. The increase in the crop’s production is mainly due to the expansion of the area planted. Between 2019 and 2020 and the current season, it increased from 74 thousand hectares to 128.1 thousand hectares, allowing yields to almost triple.

Dynamics of the expansion of rapeseed production

Active rapeseed production in South Africa began in the late 1990s and has increased sevenfold. A key driver of the increase in South Africa’s rapeseed production is the steady growth in world market demand. Rapeseed is used to produce vegetable oil, the price of which is rising.
Notably, the country did not export the crop until 2020. But in the 2023-2024 season, analysts promise deliveries of 50 thousand tonnes. It is a record for South Africa. The country has started to sell the product mainly because its own oilseed processing capacity is limited. The main importers of South African rapeseed are Belgium and Germany.
Despite increased production, the crop is not a key crop for the country. Rapeseed accounts for only 6% of South Africa’s oilseed production. Soya bean production accounts for 73%, and sunflower for 20%.South Africa rapeseed harvest

Overview of soya bean and sunflower production

In addition to rapeseed, South Africa continues to increase its production of soybeans. At the same time, local processing facilities have already reached their limits. This leading to increased exports. The country is particularly active in soya bean and sunflower production:
— for the 2022-2023 season, FAS has forecast a record supply of these crops — 800 thousand tonnes;
— soybean and sunflower production should reach about 3.6 million tonnes in 2023-2024;
— a record 1.8 million hectares will be planted;
— over the past 20 years, the soybean area has increased ninefold to nearly 1.2 million hectares;
— the soybean harvest will reach 2.8 million tonnes;
— sunflower production will be around 810 thousand tonnes on an area of 600 thousand hectares;
— soybean exports are likely to be 750,000 tonnes;
— sunflower supplies will be 50 thousand tonnes.
Edible oil and protein meal for animal feed account for most of the oilseeds grown in South Africa. FAS is forecasting a record 1.7 million tonnes of meal production this season.