Brazil is expecting a record soybean harvest: expert forecasts

Brazil is expecting a record soybean harvest: expert forecasts

Drought won’t affect Brazil’s record soybean crop

Weather conditions are not looking good for Brazilian farmers, but they do not intend to backtrack on their plan to increase crop production. Despite the approaching La Niña and government restrictions, they are aiming for a record soybean crop.
Brazil’s agricultural market is facing tough times, but so far weather conditions are not threatening the bean crop too much. Agricensus analyzed the situation in various states of the country in terms of sowing. According to the results, the campaign is completed by almost 92%, farmers managed to carry out all the work before the weather turns bad. Analysts assessed the conditions for the crop as «almost perfect». For two years in a row, however, agricultural production has been threatened by the La Niña weather phenomenon, which has been particularly severe in the southern and central parts of the country. It is characterized by drought, which prevents crops from developing to their full potential. In some cases, farmers have to replant certain areas to save their crops.Brazilian farmers expect record soybean cropFor example, in the Rio Grande do Sul region, the lack of rainfall made planting difficult and had to be postponed for some time. In addition, the drought contributes to an increase in weed growth, which is also a serious problem. Despite the difficulties, however, analysts do not predict a catastrophic loss of production in Rio Grande do Sul. The fact is that for that state, the loss of part of the crop is quite expected, and farmers are prepared for it. Other southern regions are less affected by the drought. The lack of rain is felt especially in regions where the sowing campaign began earlier than others.
More than 90% of the soybean acreage planted is expected to produce a high yield. Now the shoots are developing within the standard timing, which allows us to make favorable forecasts.
Mato Grosso is considered the main soybean producing region. There has been sufficient rainfall and the planting has started quite early. Local farmers hope to achieve record yields this season. Analysts at the IMEA Brazilian Institute of Agriculture agree with them. They praised the potential of planted beans and assume that weather peculiarities will not lead to a serious decline in production. For example, in Mato Grosso do Sul, 99% of the crops were rated as good and 1% as satisfactory. The situation is favorable for crops in the Matopiba region, but soybeans here are still in the early stages of maturity.
Production in the 2021/2022 marketing year is projected to reach more than 142 million tons, this figure should be a record for Brazil. This figure will allow the country to strengthen its position in the global soybean export market.