Nutrien introduces a new Provisia rice variety

Nutrien introduces a new Provisia rice variety

New Provisia rice variety delivers high yield and tillering capacity

Nutrien Canada has launched a new Provisia rice variety, DG563PVL. It will be available for planting in 2025. The array is the result of crossbreeding with grain from the Provisia system. Agronomists have focused on increasing yield and improving the plant’s tillering.
The new variety was developed primarily to provide growers with a more effective solution for controlling weedy rice. This plant is resistant to chemicals such as ALS. So it requires a lot of time and effort to maintain.
Dyna-Gro 563PVL will be available for planting this season but in limited quantities. The variety has passed all the necessary tests and is fully ready for use.

Agronomic features

DG563PVL is a cross based on the patented DG236L germplasm. The base variety provides good grain quality, which has been maintained in the new array. During breeding, scientists used Provisia crop protection technology. The active ingredient is quizalofop, which is used on cereals such as red rice, barnyard grass, sprangletop, and volunteer rice.Provisia rice varietyNutrien’s Frank Groves notes the high potential of DG563PVL, which he sees as the company’s key product in the Provisia range. The new variety has a number of significant advantages, including:
— high yield, 3-5% higher than DG263L;
— the ability to grow large volumes of rice on limited land;
— good tillering capacity;
— it has an early flowering season.
It is worth noting that the DG563PVL outperforms the DG263L in terms of tillering. The latter is considered to be one of the best in this respect. Tillering is an important trait for growers; the higher it is, the more flexible the approach to seed rates will be.
The basic DG263L has been very popular for the past four seasons. Now, the DG563PVL has a good chance of overtaking it in terms of sales.
Another advantage of the variety is its high milling yield, which was achieved by crossing it with PVL01. This yield allows for more efficient processing and a better-quality end product.
Provisia was developed in collaboration with BASF Corporation, improving the quality of weed control technology. Specialists have paid particular attention to the correct use of pesticides, which is essential for their effectiveness in controlling weeds and for not affecting the quality of the rice. The Provisia herbicide itself has a specific application rate that should not exceed 31 ounces per acre per year. Combined with the new variety, this approach will result in high yields.