CIMMYT unveils new heat-resistant wheat seeds

CIMMYT unveils new heat-resistant wheat seeds

Heat-resistant wheat seeds will help boost crop production in North Africa

Wheat is one of the most important agricultural products on the world market. Its consumption is increasing every year. However, producers cannot always supply the required amount of grain. Heat-resistant wheat seeds bred in Mexico will help increase yields.
Global warming and aggressive farming practices are affecting the production of strategic crops. One example is wheat, where high temperatures and drought have a negative impact on yields. For many countries, however, increasing yields is a key issue for food security.
Scientists see the development of new cereal seeds as the best way out of the current situation. Better varieties should be able to adapt easily to abnormal weather conditions. A team at CIMMYT has succeeded in developing heat-resistant wheat seeds. Tests show that these varieties are well suited to growing in Mediterranean conditions. This region has hot weather and a lack of rainfall during the wheat maturation period.
According to the CIMMYT team, the seeds are also suitable for cultivation in North Africa. In most of the region, farmers use rain-fed farming methods. The company has already signed contracts to supply seed to Africa. CIMMYT has signed the relevant documents with the Spanish company Agrovegetal, which operates in Andalusia. An arid climate makes it difficult to grow many crops in this region. In addition, the conditions are almost identical to those in North Africa.heat-resistant wheat seeds

Cooperation between companies

It is worth noting that the companies have been partners for a long time. CIMMYT is a not-for-profit organisation that breeds popular crops. Agrovegetal, in turn, actively tests new varieties from the developer. For example, the Spanish company has grown crops bred by CIMMYT, including:
— durum wheat varieties;
— seeds of crops for bread production;
— triticale.
Durum wheat is a key product in the production of pasta and couscous. Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye. The Spanish company evaluates the yields of the varieties and makes purchasing decisions on this basis. Agrovegetal has units in different regions, both in Europe and Africa. This allows it to test seeds in areas with different climatic conditions.
The contract to supply heat-resistant wheat will see the parties working together until 2028. According to CIMMYT Director Bram Goverts, the new agreement will enable the organisation to improve its research. For example, it will work on developing high-yielding cereals. This is particularly important for regions such as North Africa, where the climatic situation is becoming more difficult every year.