GM seed technology will allow China to reduce its dependence on food supplies

GM seed technology will allow China to reduce its dependence on food supplies

What is the interest of GM seed technology for China: an overview of factors

The Chinese government has repeatedly stated its intention to reduce food dependence on other countries. To this end, a strategy has been prepared to expand the area under crops and stimulate agriculture. Special attention of the authorities is focused on soybeans, the demand for which is growing in the country and on the world market. Experts assume that China will use GM seed technology to implement the plan.
It should be noted that in many states, the use of genetically modified crop varieties is a controversial issue. China is among such countries, but this may change in the near future. It is possible that the authorities will simplify the mechanism of approval of GM seeds in order to intensively increase the domestic production of soybeans. Such news will be an important milestone for the global market as a whole since its formation is seriously influenced by soybean sales in China.
The Chinese government has singled out the main trend of 2022 as the achievement of stability in grain supply. In addition, the authorities have outlined a plan to expand the production of corn and oilseeds, primarily soybeans. Such changes require the agricultural industry to revise certain processes. In this case, a great burden falls on the seed sector, which is required to increase productivity by developing new varieties of seeds.GM seed technology in ChinaIt should be noted that China ranks first in the world in terms of the procurement of agricultural products. The country imports large quantities of corn, palm oil, soybeans, and rapeseed. However, recently, purchases have become a sign of the vulnerability of China’s food market to suppliers. The trade war with the U.S. played an important role in this, as well as the pandemic, which disrupted supplies and led to higher prices for products on the world market.
Beijing notes that soybean imports are under tremendous pressure from tensions in diplomatic processes and political disagreements. Therefore, increasing independence in the food arena will allow the country to better broadcast and defend its position on other issues as well.
To achieve this goal, the government has proposed to revise the rules that control the use of GM crops. Such a move would remove a number of restrictions from the seed industry and allow the industry to strengthen the development of genetically modified seed technology.
Last November, the government approved new testing requirements for GM crops. In addition, the assessments used to determine the safety of such seeds were revised. The authorities also plan to introduce an assistance program for companies that are engaged in the development of new varieties of agricultural plants. Previously, there were clear restrictions on the regions where GM crops could be tested. Now, these requirements have been relaxed and the area for testing has been expanded.