GM corn will now be imported into China

GM corn will now be imported into China

Two GM corn of strains will enter the Chinese market

China is experiencing record demand for a number of crops. In order to meet it, the authorities of the country allowed the purchase of genetically modified products, which included GM corn. China will now import two strains of the crop, which was bred by two multinationals, Bayer and Syngenta. They plan to use the corn for animal feed.
Strains MON87411 and MZIR098, which have low sensitivity to many insects and well tolerate herbicides, will soon be imported into the country.
According to the official statement of Chinese government, the import of GM maize is allowed for 5 years. Such measures have been forced by the authorities due to the record increase in demand for the crop. Some time ago there was an outbreak of African plague in the country that resulted in numerous deaths of pigs. However, their population began to recover in record time, which necessitated an increase in the importation of corn to feed the animals. To meet the demand for the crop, the government also initiated a government program to sell the product and also promised to increase local grain production in the coming years.
GM crops make up the majority of shipments from leading producers, not just corn, but soybeans as well. It is the genetically modified strains of crops that account for the bulk of exports from the United States, Brazil and Argentina.

However, legislation in some countries still restricts the import of GM products. This decision is caused by doubts about the effect of such crops on human and animal health. In China, GM corn can only be used for processing and cannot be used as a seed for cultivation. The PRC is actively developing new varieties of grain and oilseed crops. For example, Beijing Dabeinong has created its own strains of corn and soybeans, which will soon have to be approved by the Chinese government for further use. Another GM variety was started last year and is already being grown in the northern regions of the country.
According to official statistics, there are 5 major GMO crops grown worldwide. In addition to soybeans and corn, these include cotton, rapeseed and alfalfa. Since 2017, about 70 countries have begun to use GM crops for some purpose. Of that number, 26 countries are growing and 44 are importing them. Genetically modified soybeans are allowed in 18 states, while corn is allowed in 15. The latter crop is grown in 14 countries.
Most GM cotton is produced in India, where about 7 million farmers prefer this version of the crop to traditional varieties.