Global sunflower production to rise: forecast for the 2021/2022 season

Global sunflower production to rise: forecast for the 2021/2022 season

Global sunflower production: an overview of different countries

Analysts predict that sunflower production in the world will reach record levels. In the 2021/2022 season, it is estimated at 55 million tons, helped by the expansion of cultivated areas — in total they amount to 27 million hectares. Most of them fall on the territory of European countries, Ukraine and Russia. High yields are forecasted here, which is especially important after last season’s dry season.
In addition to these countries, good performance is expected in Argentina, Moldova and Turkey. However, in the case of these countries, the increase in sunflower production will be due to an expansion of planted acreage. Reduction of acreage for this crop is expected in the United States and China.
As for the demand for sunflower oil, compared to the previous season, it will increase by 14% up to 12.6 million tons. Turkey, India, the European Union and Iraq are planning to increase purchases of the product on the world market.
Since late 2020 there has been a rise in the price of sunflower oil, its price has increased almost twice. At the same time the volume of consumption in the world is only increasing and has already reached record levels. Analysts do not rule out that after sunflower, the price of other vegetable oils will also start to go up.
The export of the sunflower meal also shows good results. The main importers of this product are the UK, China, India and Turkey.As for the supply of seeds from Ukraine, its volume will be similar to last season — 200 thousand tons. Export of the meal will exceed 5 million tons, and sunflower oil will be sold on the world market in the range of 6.4 million tons.
Russia will supply 700 thousand tons of sunflower seeds, which is 125 thousand tons more than in the previous period. Exports of sunflower meal will reach 1.6 million tons, also demonstrating growth, which contributes to an increase in supply. The country will sell about 3.4 million tons of sunflower oil, which will increase the supply by 350 thousand tons.
The EU countries will buy in the 2021/2022 season about 700 thousand tons of seeds, and will sell 650 thousand tons to other states. Import of sunflower meal in the EU will amount to 2.8 million tons, and sunflower oil — 2 million tons.
India plans to increase the import of sunflower oil to 2.5 million tons, which is 250 thousand more than in the last period.
China will purchase seeds in the amount of 250 thousand tons and export 400 thousand. Imports of the meal will increase to 1.8 million tons, and sunflower oil to 2 million tons.
Turkey will buy about 1.2 million tons of seeds, 850 thousand of oil and 1.1 million tons of meal.