Export of soybeans to the EU will now be subject to new rules

Export of soybeans to the EU will now be subject to new rules

How soybeans will be exported to the EU

The EU is introducing new rules aimed at a sustainable soybean production strategy. Now, countries that export to the EU must undergo special certification, confirming the quality level of soybeans and their cultivation in accordance with European standards.
Such innovations have forced many suppliers of agricultural products to think about changing current processes. Canada plans to launch a certification program for sustainable production in the near future. This decision will expand markets for products and increase supplies to the European Union.
Experts note that the new requirements from the EU encourage farmers to use advanced technologies for the cultivation of legumes that follow the principles of environmental conservation and safety for humans and animals.
It should be noted that Canada does not have clear rules for sustainable production, but thanks to innovations from the EU, we can assume that the country will soon reconsider its approach to growing the crop.
In the U.S., the soybean industry is doing better than in the neighboring country. In January of this year a pilot project «Sustainable Soybean Growing in the USA» was launched here, which was initiated by the Soybean Board organization. The latter is dedicated to the cultivation of soybeans. In order to implement the program the Soybean Board joined its efforts with DuPont and Soylent, which produce protein bars, drinks and powders made of beans. All of their products are now labeled as organic soy.

This label means that the crop from which the products are made is grown in the United States in accordance with all of the country’s environmental standards. In addition, soybeans are produced on family farms using technologies that protect the soil from erosion and waterlogging.
Experts note that obtaining such a quality label is not a problem for most American crop producers. They have been implementing for a long time a sustainable approach to farming, the rules of which are also prescribed in the National Nature Conservation Ordinance.
In Canada, only a set of rules for farmers is being developed, which will be voluntary. And these recommendations and compliance with them will be controlled not for a particular product, but to the entire farm. Experts note that Canada will most likely have a long way to go in order to meet all the requirements that the European Union imposes on the import of soybeans. The U.S. wins in this regard, where high levels of soybean sustainability have long existed and are clearly controlled by the relevant agencies. In addition, the country’s products are certified to meet EU regulations for biofuel production.
While Canada plans to introduce certification similar to the U.S., a serious problem is the lack of funding for such programs.