A unique project from European Energy — Harre Solarpark

A unique project from European Energy — Harre Solarpark

European Energy builds greenhouse with solar panels

The Danish energy company European Energy is known for its ambitious green technology projects. In addition, it actively supports business representatives who switch to alternative energy sources. A striking example of such cooperation is the provision of electricity to more than 14 thousand families.
To provide a resource to local farmers in the area of Skive, European Energy built a park that generates solar energy. Residents are now provided with electricity not only for household needs, but also for production. Thanks to the Harre Solarpark, farmers are able to harvest crops, care for plants, water them and feed them automatically.
The project consists of a large number of solar panels. They are movable, allowing the modules to move automatically as the sun moves. In this way, maximum efficiency is achieved in generating energy. Crops grow between the panels, and because the facets of the solar cells have different shapes, plants are not limited in their development, length and width. The walls of the panels can be horizontal, vertical or inclined. This combination of solar panels and crops provides the latter with the necessary amount of energy from the sun.solar park from European EnergyIn the solar park, farmers grow a variety of crops — strawberries, wheat and others. In addition, the design provides for a roof, closing it, you get a spacious greenhouse. This option is convenient in the cold season or at the beginning of the sowing process.
In addition to Harre Solarpark, European Energy is building a similar park on the island of Funen, which is based on a version of the greenhouse, that is, the structure originally with a roof. A combined photovoltaic power station is under construction here, which will be used by the garden center located there. According to the project, the 100×150 meters park will be 40-45% covered by solar panels, and the rest of the space will be covered by glass ceilings. In addition, the park is designed to expand as needed. Eventually it could occupy 4 hectares, where the roof will be 5 meters long and will consist of solar panels alternating with glass. It is not yet known how such a greenhouse will perform in operation, since this is the first prototype. However, the authors of the project are confident that it will increase the yield of products. They hope that in the near future there will be several such structures in Denmark. In addition to reducing production costs when growing crops, such parks allow farmers to increase their income and create new jobs. In this case, more labor is needed than in the case of a conventional complex with panels.