Drought-resistant corn from Origin Agritech awaits certification

Drought-resistant corn from Origin Agritech awaits certification

Drought-resistant corn from Origin Agritech may soon be in the fields

Chinese company Origin Agritech, which is engaged in biotechnology in the field of agriculture, announced the creation of a new variety of grain. The genetically modified drought-resistant corn has already passed field tests, and now the developer is waiting for a certificate from the government. The document will certify the safety of the variety from the biological point of view.
Numerous tests of the new corn demonstrate its resistance to moisture deficit throughout the growing season. It turned out that the variety’s drought tolerance is 9-16% higher than that of conventional corn.
Now Origin Agritech is waiting for the approval of regulatory authorities and obtaining a biosafety certificate. After that, it is possible to start grain production. Scientists note that the ability to withstand long periods of drought without losing the quality of the crop makes the variety an excellent option for use in agriculture. In addition, the corn is bred with the changing climate conditions and will be able to adapt to stressful conditions faster than other species.
It should be noted that China clearly adheres to the strategy of increasing production crops in order to reduce dependence on other countries. This is especially true for corn and soybeans, increasing their cultivation will help reduce imports and ensure food security.Drought-resistant cornAt the same time, soybean production decreased last year and this year, unlike corn, whose cultivated area has expanded significantly. The fact is that the profitability of the latter continues to grow, and Chinese farmers decided to take advantage of this situation to get more profits. However, the relevant ministry notes that the decline in soybean production is a temporary phenomenon. In the near future, the government intends to prepare land in the northeast of the country for growing oilseeds.
In addition to corn and soybeans, the production volume of rapeseed and peanuts will also be reviewed; at the moment, the area under them is being actively expanded. To increase the acreage, abandoned land in various regions of China is being cleared and prepared. In this case, take into account the peculiarities of the climate in one part of the country or another to avoid difficulties in production.
According to official statistics, last year corn production in China reached more than 272 million tons, 4.6% more than it was in 2020. Planted acreage was increased by 5 percent to about 43 million hectares. This year’s corn acreage is scheduled to be planted, an increase of 3.4% over last season. Favorable weather conditions allow talking about a good future harvest and high quality of grain. The increase in corn production is expected to reduce imports from 22 million to 20 million tons.