Growing demand for peas in Denmark and other European countries

Growing demand for peas in Denmark and other European countries

How a Danish producer is meeting the growing demand for peas

Demand for peas is steadily increasing in Denmark, not only in the domestic market. Local producers are increasingly exporting the legume to other European countries. In the 2024 season, however, Danish farmers face difficulties that could affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.
This year, the country experienced heavy rainfall in the spring. The winter was also harsher than usual, with late frosts. These weather conditions had a negative impact on pea production. The cold weather extended the growing season, resulting in a shift in harvest dates. GreenPeas is one of the largest producers and local traders of peas. Its spokesman, Pahus Bruun, notes that the main challenge for the company has been the rainfall, which has exceeded national records.
The rainfall has been a problem for pea production and has affected the quality of the crop. However, demand for the legume crop continues to grow. Bruun says this is due to some factors:
1. GreenPeas uses sweet varieties with a lower starch content than standard culinary peas.
2. People are becoming more aware and are choosing healthier products.
3. Consumers prefer organic products.
4. Peas are versatile and can be part of many healthy and tasty dishes.
5. The pulse crop is high in protein, providing an alternative to animal protein.
Demand for the crop is growing among consumers and the catering industry. This trend is also evident in other European countries. More and more people care about their health and include healthy products in their diet.demand for peas

Benefits of GreenPeas products

GreenPeas’ and other Danish producers’ marketing strategies play an important role in product promotion. Their advertising campaigns emphasise the benefits of peas and their positive effects on health.
The company’s strategy is to supply an environmentally friendly product. A key aspect is the proper transport of peas to keep them fresh. GreenPeas prefers to export to nearby markets. This reduces travel time and helps preserve the beneficial qualities of the pulses.
Despite the challenges of the current season, the company plans to expand its geographical reach. It is considering exporting to new markets and increasing production in existing markets. The growing demand for peas, evident for several years, will facilitate achieving these goals.
In addition, GreenPeas continues to improve its operations to increase productivity. The company is using new organic varieties and innovations in crop handling.