Experts note crop losses in Germany and France

Experts note crop losses in Germany and France

Crop losses in Germany amounted to 10-12%

The current season has been extremely challenging for the agricultural market. Some regions have seen record amounts of rainfall, while others, on the contrary, have suffered from abnormal drought. Among the latter was Germany, where according to analysts’ forecasts the loss of grain harvest amounted to about 10-12%. Moreover, the experts mark a worsening of the quality of the harvested products, especially concerning the grain, used for bread production.
In July in Germany, there was a severe drought in the background of record high temperatures, which had a negative impact on the ripening of crops. The situation was especially difficult in the northeastern regions, where farmers resorted to active feeding of crops, but it did not give much improvement.
According to Der Spiegel data the wheat harvest in Germany this season was about 21 million tons, which is much lower than in previous years. However, experts note that this volume is enough to cover the needs of the domestic market. Despite the decrease in the wheat harvest, rapeseed production increased, and rye and triticale production remained at the level of the previous season.crop lossesIn addition to Germany, extreme drought was also observed in France. According to analysts, this summer is the fifth in eight years that there has been a lack of rainfall. A similar situation was observed in parts of Great Britain, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Record hot weather in France and a number of neighboring countries was observed in July, with meteorologists noting atypically high temperatures back in March. In the following months, insufficient precipitation was recorded. Temperatures peaked in July and continued for a long time, negatively affecting the growing season of crops.
The lack of precipitation worsened the water supply in France, which also affected the quality of the crop. This situation had the most serious impact on corn, fruits, and vegetables.
According to statistics from the relevant ministry, irrigation of agricultural land accounts for about 45% of all water consumption in France. Accordingly, the drought and lack of water primarily affect crop yields. During the period of high temperatures in some regions of the country, the irrigation of crops had to be halved.
The situation was most favorable in the central regions of France, where June was rich in precipitation. The rest of the country cannot boast of abundant rainfall, and the crops there were under serious stress, which worsened their quality. As a result, the production of many crops in France was lower than last season. This raises concerns among experts about the formation of prices for products on the domestic and world markets.