Irish cereals sector faces seed shortage

Irish cereals sector faces seed shortage

Irish cereals sector adapts to new conditions The Irish cereals sector is facing a shortage of spring barley seed. Local farmers have traditionally bought the crop from EU suppliers, but there is also a crop shortage in the EU. Tim O’Donovan, head of trade body ISTA, said Irish farmers had bought seed from local and […]

Chinese scientists introduce multiple cropping for crops

Chinese scientists introduce multiple cropping for crops

China hopes multiple cropping will help boost crop yields China is introducing multiple croppings of soy and corn. Scientists hope the approach will help increase crop production in a country with limited arable land. Chongqin province is testing the technology. Here, researchers use strip cropping for various varieties of the two crops. The Ministry of […]

Coarse grain production could reach record levels

Coarse grain production could reach record levels

Coarse grain production: FAO forecasts According to the FAO, coarse grain production will reach a record level in the 2023-2024 season. The organisation published this forecast in its latest report. The global feed crop harvest will be around 1.5 billion tonnes. FAO has raised its expectations by 12 million tonnes compared to its previous analysis. […]

Strategy Grains: EU rapeseed imports to increase in 2024

Strategy Grains: EU rapeseed imports to increase in 2024

EU rapeseed imports to rise, production to fall The Strategy Grains consultancy predicts a reduction in the area under several crops in the EU. This will affect the region’s rapeseed imports. The EU will have to increase purchases from Australian and European exporters. Experts predict a reduction in rapeseed areas, mainly in Eastern Europe. Analysts […]

In Nebraska, farmers hope for a good corn crop

In Nebraska, farmers hope for a good corn crop

Corn crop depends on adequate rainfall The US Midwest has experienced dry weather for most of 2023. However, despite analysts’ concerns, farmers in Nebraska have managed to harvest a good corn crop. The Department of Agriculture reported a high yield of 177.3 bushels per acre. American farmers harvested 15.3 billion bushels, a record for the […]

Australian agricultural output set to fall

Australian agricultural output set to fall

Australian agricultural output set to fall after record 3 years In Australia, yields of most crops have reached record levels over the past 3 years. However, agricultural output could fall in the 2023-2024 season. ABARES forecasts that winter crop production will fall 33% to over 46 million tonnes. Summer crop production will fall by 27% […]

The growing of grain legumes by farmers will increase in Canada

The growing of grain legumes by farmers will increase in Canada

The growing of grain legumes by farmers has been increasing in Canada for many years The cultivation of grain legumes is increasing in Canada. Experts say they are more profitable than other crops. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the production of lentils in the country has exceeded that of peas by a factor of […]

Heat-tolerant wheat to boost production in the face of climate change

Heat-tolerant wheat to boost production in the face of climate change

Heat-tolerant wheat could soon be available Gene editing has widespread agricultural applications. It helps reduce climate change’s effects on plants and increase crop production. Rising ambient temperatures are a severe problem for crop yields. Scientists are working to develop new wheat varieties through DNA modification. These include heat-tolerant wheat, allowing the plant to grow in […]

Artificial intelligence promises high soybean yield in Argentina

Artificial intelligence promises high soybean yield in Argentina

High soybean harvest in Argentina could offset production decline in Brazil Gro’s AI forecasting model analyses and predicts agricultural market trends. According to its assumptions, Argentina’s soybean harvest will likely be high in the 2024 marketing year. Higher production in that country will be able to offset the decline in Brazil. For its analysis, Gro […]

Forecast: wheat supplies to recover from decline by 2024

Forecast: wheat supplies to recover from decline by 2024

Global wheat supplies will increase due to increased production Gro, a machine learning-based forecasting model, has analysed the global agricultural market. According to the analysis, wheat supplies will increase in 2024 after four years of decline. Wheat is the most in-demand crop on the global market and is strategically important to the food system. Grain […]

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